3 Characteristics of a great nurse | VCare International Limited

3 characteristics of a great Nurse

As individuals’ age there is a certain vulnerability that comes along with it. Great nurses understand this vulnerability and are compassionate towards their patients, especially through this transitional period. Nurses understand the physical difficulties their patient are facing, as well as the mental difficulties of no longer being able to fully care for themselves.

VCare NZACA Conference 2019 | VCare

Thanks for visiting VCare at the NZACA conference 2019

Thanks for visiting VCare at the NZACA conference 2019   VCare is New Zealand’s specialist software system designed specifically for the New Zealand Aged Care Industry. VCare was proud to sponsor the Keynote Speaker, Tadgh Daly and the VCare Legendary Service to the Aged Care Sector award at the New Zealand Aged Care Association (NZACA)…

NZACA Conference 2019

VCare is sponsoring the upcoming NZACA conference   VCare is sponsoring the upcoming NZACA conference -VCare is proud to be sponsoring the keynote speaker and legendary service to the Aged Residential care sector award at NZACA Conference in Wellington on the 21-24th of October. VCare will also be exhibiting at the NZACA conference, and Chris and…