Due to the dynamic nature of the Aged Care Industry facilities are focusing their efforts on developing more efficient and productive ways to manage their facility. Easy access to accurate data is imperative in delivering the highest quality of care to your residents.

  • Reporting
  • Auditing


Within VCare, multiple reporting options are available from analysing falls to being able to plan care items and identify ongoing risk areas. Giving staff the ability to access relevant reports will help them perform to the best of their knowledge and means more effective and timely mining of relevant data.

VCare has also developed several interactive reports and dashboard using the Microsoft Power BI tool. The reports and dashboards are available for use by VCare sites.

Examples of standard reports available in VCare include:

  • Wound Register
  • Fall Register
  • Event Reporting
  • Care Plan History
  • Events (Outstanding)
  • Admission Coversheet
  • And much more


The fundamental challenge with a paper-based system is multiple data entry points. Records or information not being stored in the correct place can be very frustrating to access and is time-consuming for users to manage. This can result in a duplication of data, inconsistent, or even missing data.

VCare has a single point of data entry, which results in information always being up to date and readily available in seconds.

Examples of functionality to assist the auditing process include:

  • Up-to-date audit logs
  • A date-driven system with an audit trail
  • Aligned with your specific processes and procedures
  • All care plans and assessments contained within VCare are evidence-based.
  • Trigger function alerts the staff when a resident measurement or assessment score falls outside the accepted normal range so this ensures that nothing gets missed.

We understand your facility

VCare is 100% NZ owned and operated, and is specifically designed for the NZ market

Contact us today for a free demo